

Miles only

Compensate for the emissions of one month of living

Badge and Tier miles will be credited in your Etihad guest account in 4 working days.

13,500 Miles

Delivered by email within 4 Working Days

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Compensate for the emissions of one month of living

Compensate for the emissions of one month of living As humans, our everyday activities generate emissions that contribute to global warming. Everything from the food we consume to driving our cars leaves a carbon footprint on the planet. We should all strive to reduce our footprint in any way we can. For those emissions we can't avoid, compensating for these through carbon offsetting is the next best thing. This reward will compensate for the emissions of one month of living* by supporting CarbonClick’s Innovative Energy Solutions basket or the Nature-Based Solutions basket. How are emissions reductions achieved? The projects in the Innovative Energy Solutions basket find innovative ways to help communities and avoid carbon emissions. Examples are providing rural families with more efficient household cooking appliances or using renewable sources to heat or purify water. The Nature Based Solutions basket is a mixture of global afforestation and conservation nature-based projects. These projects avoid carbon emissions by preventing deforestation and remove emissions from the atmosphere by planting and protecting trees, all while crucially supporting local biodiversity. What is carbon offsetting? Carbon offsetting means balancing the emissions created by an activity, such as driving our cars, by avoiding or removing the same amount of carbon from the atmosphere. This can be done by planting trees or supporting people to build clean energy sources. * This calculation is based on the average footprint of a citizen of the UAE


CarbonClick will compensate for one month of living emissions on your behalf. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about the project you have supported.


Compensate for the emissions of one month of living

Compensate for the emissions of one month of living As humans, our everyday activities generate emissions that contribute to global warming. Everything from the food we consume to driving our cars leaves a carbon footprint on the planet. We should all strive to reduce our footprint in any way we can. For those emissions we can't avoid, compensating for these through carbon offsetting is the next best thing. This reward will compensate for the emissions of one month of living* by supporting CarbonClick’s Innovative Energy Solutions basket or the Nature-Based Solutions basket. How are emissions reductions achieved? The projects in the Innovative Energy Solutions basket find innovative ways to help communities and avoid carbon emissions. Examples are providing rural families with more efficient household cooking appliances or using renewable sources to heat or purify water. The Nature Based Solutions basket is a mixture of global afforestation and conservation nature-based projects. These projects avoid carbon emissions by preventing deforestation and remove emissions from the atmosphere by planting and protecting trees, all while crucially supporting local biodiversity. What is carbon offsetting? Carbon offsetting means balancing the emissions created by an activity, such as driving our cars, by avoiding or removing the same amount of carbon from the atmosphere. This can be done by planting trees or supporting people to build clean energy sources. * This calculation is based on the average footprint of a citizen of the UAE


CarbonClick will compensate for one month of living emissions on your behalf. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about the project you have supported.